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skill set is the key.

come up with an eco system that will achieve your goal:



digital publication

tailor around research and

focus down on one field

show: community.

anitra has a friend who joined a job club when shows unemployed

Linkedin is kind of like a virtual job club.

is there something like that for emotional support?

people who have the same goals

weight watchers is like that

having community is helpful and important.

meet up for job clubs.

is there something for career changers

you could use your experience

do some ethnographic research

instead of interviews

get someone to walk me through their journey decisions and what they are doing to

draw ideal tool

that would help everything be easy in job search

draw as a house sometimes.

draw the ultimate organizer tool.


how social they are

note taking,

profiles of companies

look at my fitness pal

to do list

how do i get the word out.


website for download

needs to look awesome and

write down everything that

on the focus


calorie counters

I found that a mobile app would be a good avenue to present this information.

I first searched the term “job tracker”

It came up with time tracking apps that would be used to track a contract or freelance job.

Some of there were called:

Shift Calander— work schedule manager and job tracker

Best Job Tracker

Clock out, Job Tracker for your Job

Time tracker + Task manager

Worktime tracker time tracking, timesheet and biting manager

Timesheet- timecard, clock, calculator and wage tracker


cubetime and expense tracker

HoursTracker: time tracking

Then I searched the term “job search tracker”

and found these apps:

Job Search Tracker—this is also getting closer to what I would like to create but it is very ugly and seems hard to make useful. requiring a lot of work.—Job portal in Georgia

Interview Tracker—this one is getting closer to my idea but it doe not have much and in not well designed

Career Tracker—lists and allows users to apply for jobs from the app

Talenthire— an app for HR recruiters one is russian and for HR

search term: “job search”

This came up with more job database you apps

Indeed job search

Glass door job search job search


Job aware


jobsearch-simply hired

resume star

Tech job search by dice



jobs-search for jobs

worktop: job search and career advice— look into this one more. (adds a “social” component)

wirkin- local job search(adds a “social” component)

good & Co-find your personality, corporate culture fit and job match for career happiness —this one was pretty far down on the list but seems more geared toward my audience.

There were also several that were geared toward a certain career area like the medical field and

Desktop apps:



switch—need to look into this more

zip recruiter

job matching app

To check out later:

When asked what their primary concern was during their first job, about 64 percent of older Americans talked aboutmaking as much money as possible or learning new skills. When asked the same question, younger Americans were much more likely to say that their top priority was doing something that they found enjoyable or making a difference in society, with 57 percent choosing one of these options.

Millennials want the inside scoop, making them more likely to want to speak to current employees and check out employment review websites as part of the job search, says Thomas Handcock, HR practice leader for CEB, a best practice insight and tech company based in Arlington, Virginia.

While text-based platforms are still the most popular, this is a visual generation. Look no further than the rise of platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat.

The millennials are inseparable from their smartphones — and Facebook specifically.

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